Sunday Worship
Wednesday Recharge
Prayer Gathering
6:30 PM
Sunday Youth Group
You are Welcome Here

Welcome to The Rock Church! Falling in Love with JESUS, the One who is THE ROCK, is the simple and clear focus here. At The Rock Church we encourage you to worship God intensely, experience HIS loving presence profoundly, and embrace the full truth of the Bible, God's Words to us, from cover to cover. We believe God’s plan for His Church was to always walk in the fullness of power and the presence of His Holy Spirit just as they did at Pentecost until we see Him face to face. Please consider joining us in this journey of life with Jesus; we look forward to meeting you!
Paster Roger & Vicki Dilley
The Greatest Story Ever Told!
“For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life.” John 3:16
The Bible tells us that there is hope for anyone who calls on the name of Jesus Christ. God’s story is one filled with new life, forgiveness and redemption.
Are you ready to begin your new life in Christ? Contact us today!